This is pretty much borrowed from David Sanders Julia 2016 talk.
Julia has strong metaprogramming capabilities. What does this mean?
meta: something on a higher level
metaprogramming = "higher-level programming"
i.e. writing code (a program) to manipulate not data, but code (that itself manipulates data)
Metaprogramming has many different uses, several of which we will explore. It is often a way to add, or change, the syntax of Julia, to write a "domain-specific language" (DSL), that converts a simple syntax (but that is not standard Julia syntax) into true Julia code.
As a motivating example, we might like to be able to write what is called Wilkinson-type polynomials. The Wilkinson polynomial is
[Polynomials like this are interesting, since the eigenvalues of the associated "companion matrix", which are used to find the roots of the polynomial, are very sensitive to perturbations of the coefficients of the polynomial.]
Suppose we wish to define this polynomial in Julia. The simple way would be to write it out explicitly:
p_5(x) = (x-1) * (x-2) * (x-3) * (x-4) * (x-5)
is already a pain to type by hand, more so, and is basically impossible. But this is just a case of repetition, and computers are designed for that. One possible definition uses a for
loop and with the help of anonymous function to define the function :
function wilkinson(n, x) result = x - 1 for i in 2:n result *= (x - i) end result end p(n) = x -> wilkinson(n, x) p(4)(3.1)
It seems, though, that it should be possible to use the original definition of the function to write the equivalent of the following for .
p_5(x) = (x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3)*(x-4)*(x-5)
In other languages, this would often be accomplished by manipulating strings that represent the "surface syntax", i.e. the string of characters that you would actually type, and then evaluate this string. However, in Julia
we never use strings for this, since Julia has a way to refer to Julia code objects within Julia. So Julia codes are objects and you can also manipulate them like manipulate any other things in Julia.
Let's take the simplest polynomial, that we write as (x-1) * (x-2)
. We can view this as a piece of Julia code, called an expression, and can tell Julia this as follows:
ex = quote (x - 1) * (x - 2) end # or direct way ex = :( (x-1) * (x-2) ) typeof(ex) #What does Julia think this is? ex
We see that Julia has a type Expr
that represents an expression object, that we can think of as a "Julia code snippet". Now if we would like to be able to execute this code; we can do so with eval
eval(ex) # We see that `x` is not defined,
If we give x
a value first, then it works:
x = 3.5 (x-1) * (x-2) # works eval(ex)
For example, we can try to write a simple formula evaluator:
formula = "3x^2 + 4x - 3sin(x)" eval(formula) #This does not do what we expect, since we have a string, not a Julia expression: typeof(formula) formula2 = Meta.parse(formula) # To convert this string into an expression, we use `parse`: eval(formula2)
Note that the really hard work, that of parsing the expression, i.e. converting it into an internal representation in terms of a tree, has already been done for us by Julia. It is thus, happily, usually not necessary for us to write our own parser; we just leverage Julia's own! This is one of many ways in which Julia minimizes the work that we need to do, compared to other languages.
essionsAn expression object of type Expr
has an internal structure that corresponds to the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the expression, i.e. a tree, whose nodes are operations, and whose children are subtrees. We can see this in two ways, using dump
ex = :((x-1)*(x-2)) dump(ex) ## print the tree with the nice package using AbstractTrees print_tree(ex)
julia> dump(ex) Expr head: Symbol call args: Array{Any}((3,)) 1: Symbol * 2: Expr head: Symbol call args: Array{Any}((3,)) 1: Symbol - 2: Symbol x 3: Int64 1 3: Expr head: Symbol call args: Array{Any}((3,)) 1: Symbol - 2: Symbol x 3: Int64 2 julia> using AbstractTrees julia> print_tree(ex) Expr(:call) ├─ :* ├─ Expr(:call) │ ├─ :- │ ├─ :x │ └─ 1 └─ Expr(:call) ├─ :- ├─ :x └─ 2
which shows everything [up to a pre-determined depth] in detail, or
Meta.show_sexpr(ex) ## the Lisp way, but let's ignore this
(:call, :-, (:call, :+, (:call, :*, 3, (:call, :^, :x, 2)), (:call, :*, 4, :x)), (:call, :*, 3, (:call, :sin, :x)))
Let's stick with dump
ex = :((x-1) * (x-2)) dump(ex)
Expr head: Symbol call args: Array(Any,(3,)) 1: Symbol * 2: Expr head: Symbol call args: Array(Any,(3,)) 1: Symbol - 2: Symbol x 3: Int64 1 typ: Any 3: Expr head: Symbol call args: Array(Any,(3,)) 1: Symbol - 2: Symbol x 3: Int64 2 typ: Any typ: Any
Now we can also access what is inside the type, using our .fieldnames
dump(ex) ex.head ex.args julia> ex.head :call ## a function call julia> ex.args 3-element Array{Any,1}: :* :(x - 1) :(x - 2)
We can also go one level further. The first element of the array ex.args
is the function to be called:
ex.args[1] ex.args[2] typeof(ans) # that is, it is itself an `Expr`ession:
Thus the structure of Expr
essions is fundamentally recursive, and so lends itself naturally to recursive algorithms. We can dive, in turn, into the structure of each element:
ex2 = :(a = b + c) ex2.head ex.args[2] ex.args[2].args ex.args[2].args[1]
Also with the example we started
ex.head ex.args ex.args[2] ex.args[2].args[1] ex.args[2].args[2] typeof(ex.args[2].args[2])
We see that it has a special Symbol
type, which represents the atoms (smallest parts) of an expression.
Now, what happens if we modify this? Let's make a copy of the expression first so that we can compare the two. Wht copy? Because we just created a different copy (deepcopy is not necessary!)
ex = :((x - 1) * (x - 2)) ex2 = copy(ex) ex2.args[2] = :z ex2 ex ex2.args[2].args[2] ex2.args[2].args[2] = :z
We have changed something inside the object ex2
, so let's look at it:
ex2 ex
The original expression has, indeed, changed! That is, we have taken a piece of Julia code, and used Julia itself to manipulate it into a different piece of Julia code. This is one of the simplest examples of metaprogramming. Now we can define x
and z
and evaluate the expressions:
x = 3.5; z = 4.5 eval(ex), eval(ex2) ## And of course they will be different
What if we wanted to replace all of the x
s in a given expression?
The problem is that they may be buried arbitrarily deeply in the nested syntax tree. So we have to traverse the tree, in order to visit each piece of it and check if it is an :x
. So I need to have an algorithm which will go to each nodes of the tree and checks whether this is an x
if it is, then it is going to change it to z
. This is maybe possible, right? Important thing is I have to visit each node in some way and check whether I have x
Here is a function that takes an expression object and replaces all of the :x
s by :z
function traverse!(ex::Expr, find, replace) for (i, arg) in enumerate(ex.args) if arg == find ex.args[i] = replace # we cannot use arg here, since it is a copy, not a reference end if isa(arg, Expr) traverse!(arg, find, replace) # recursive end end ex end
It's calling the function recursively and replacing. Typical example of a recursion
function recur_factorial(n) if n == 1 return n else return n*recur_factorial(n-1) end end recur_factorial(10) 10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2
traverse!( :( (x-1) * (x-2) ), :(x), :(z) )
This is, of course, not general enough - for example, we cannot replace something of the form :(x - a)
with :(x - 2a)
with the current version; this would require more sophisticated pattern matching capabilities - but it demonstrates the basic idea.
Let's return to the original question: how to create a long polynomial expression. So far, we have not seen how to add code, only change code that is already there.
A natural idea is to build the code up step by step; this is known as code generation.
Let's start again from the first term:
ex = :(x-1) typeof(ex) ex_new = :(ex * (x-2)) ## not correct
We would like to take what we have and create code that is "what we have multiplied by :(x-2)
". Let's try. This doesn't work, since ex
is treated as a symbol, whereas we need the value contained in the variable called ex
. This is obtained using the $
operator, a procedure called interpolation. (Compare this to string interpolation.)
name = "David" s = "Hello $name" ## string interpolation
ex = :( $ex * (x-2) ) # Now we can continue: ex = :( $ex * (x-3) )
Finally we see how to construct our loop:
n = 10 ex = :(x-1) for i in 2:n ex = :( $ex * (x - i) ) end julia> ex :((((((((((x - 1) * (x - i)) * (x - i)) * (x - i)) * (x - i)) * (x - i)) * (x - i)) * (x - i)) * (x - i)) * (x - i)) ## So I get x-i everytime.
This did not work, since once again we did not want "the code 'i
'", but rather the value of the variable i
. Now let's try this one,
n = 10 ex = :(x-1) for i in 2:n ex = :( $ex * (x - $i) ) end ex
Pretty neat (Not because I did it, the way it shows!). This is almost what we would write by hand, except for the large number of parentheses. Now let's do
n = 100 ex = :(x-1) for i in 2:n ex = :( $ex * (x - $i) ) end ex
Now we have the right hand side of the function, but we need the left hand side, which is the name of the function, so I can have the name of the function as,
n = 10 name = Symbol("p_", n) ## note if you give string, it keeps string, if you give variable it evaluates
The code is then
code = :( $name(x) = $ex )
We can wrap this inside a function,
function make_wilkinson(n) ex = :(x-1) for i in 2:n ex = :( $ex * (x - $i) ) end name = Symbol("p_", n) code = :( $name(x) = $ex ) eval(code) ## this is a bit dirty, using eval, eval is always in gloabal... that is why it is ## discouraged end
x = 2 function check_eval() eval(:(y = x)) end check_eval()
Finally we evaluate this:
make_wilkinson(10) ## it makes the function p_10 make_wilkinson(100) p_10(4) p_100(2)
This creates a function with the name p_10
that does what we would write by hand.
Let's compare the two options by evaluating the function on a grid of values:
function f1(range) total = 0.0 for x in range total += p_100(x) end return total end function f2(range) total = 0.0 for x in range total += wilkinson(100, x) end return total end
range = -10:0.000001:10 t1 = @elapsed f1(range); t2 = @elapsed f2(range); t2 / t1 ## around 20% gain in performance
We see that the generated code with the unrolled loop is 10% faster than the naive loop with 100 terms.
In some cases, it is useful to start from something empty and add statements to it. To do this, we can do, for example,
code = quote end # empty dump(code)
We can add statements using the standard Julia push!
Base.push!(code.args, :(a = 1)) Base.push!(code.args, :(b = a + 1)) code
dump(:(a * b * c))
Expr head: Symbol call args: Array(Any,(4,)) 1: Symbol * 2: Symbol a 3: Symbol b 4: Symbol c typ: Any
Exercise: Build up the Wilkinson example using this technique.
Code generation is used frequently in Julia code when repetitive code is required. For example, let's return to the idea of wrapping a type:
struct OurFloat x::Float64 end
We can generate objects of this type:
a = OurFloat(3) b = OurFloat(4)
But arithmetic operations are not defined:
a + b
We can define them in the natural way:
import Base: +, -, *, / +(a::OurFloat, b::OurFloat) = a.x + b.x -(a::OurFloat, b::OurFloat) = a.x - b.x
But this will quickly get dull, and we could easily make a mistake. As usual, whenever we are repeating something more than twice, we should try to automate it.
We have some code of the form
*op*(a::OurFloat, b::OurFloat) = a.x *op* b.x
where *op*
is supposed to represent the operator. Julia allows us to do this almost literally; we just need to substitute in the value of the variable op
@show x
## prints, name = value
Following is just for checking
for op in (:+, :-, :*, :/) @show op ## name code = :( $(op)(a::OurFloat, b::OurFloat) = $(op)(a.x, b.x) ) @show code end
op = :+ code = :(a::OurFloat + b::OurFloat = begin # In[127], line 3: a.x + b.x end) op = :- code = :(a::OurFloat - b::OurFloat = begin # In[127], line 3: a.x - b.x end) op = :* code = :(a::OurFloat * b::OurFloat = begin # In[127], line 3: a.x * b.x end) op = :/ code = :(a::OurFloat / b::OurFloat = begin # In[127], line 3: a.x / b.x end)
Finally we need to evaluate the code. The combination of eval
and :(...)
that we used above can be abbreviated to @eval
for op in (:+, :-, :*, :/) @eval $(op)(a::OurFloat, b::OurFloat) = $(op)(a.x, b.x) end
a*b @which a*b
@which sin(3.5)